Do you need to upgrade the electrical panel in your home? Whether you’re constructing a new home or boosting the electrical power, our Ballard Natural Gas Service certified electricians are here to assist.

We put safety first and deliver craftsmanship that will exceed your expectations.

Choose Ballard Natural Gas Service for Your Electrical Services

Whether you need to rewire a room, add a new ceiling fan, or upgrade your panel, Ballard Natural Gas Service can help. Our skilled electricians have kept King and Snohomish county homes comfortable and safe for over 30 years.

You can always expect the following whenever you call us:

  • We will provide a free in-home inspection.

    This allows us to determine if a circuit breaker replacement, panel replacement, or rewiring is necessary.

  • We will provide you with an upfront estimate.

    The price we quote is the price you pay. That's our Price Lock Guarantee, which is more than just a pricing policy - it's a commitment to honesty and customer respect.

  • We will complete the installation to the highest standards.

    Our electricians stick to the National Electrical Code (NEC), the U.S. standard for the safe installation and operation of electrical wiring and appliances.

  • We will take care of the paperwork.

    We handle any necessary local permits necessary to complete the job.

Electrical Panel Installation and Replacement

There are many telltale signs that you need a new electrical panel or circuit breaker replacement. Remember, a defective panel is a fire hazard—call our Ballard Natural Gas Service professionals right away if you suspect a problem.

Signs of an Electrical Problem

Here are some common symptoms:

  • Overheating or Scorching

    Is there a burning smell coming from your panel or outlets? Notice any signs of scorching? Your electrical system may be overheating, or the wires may be melting. A burning smell could indicate a serious problem. Contact our electricians right away.

  • Rusty Panel

    Water and electricity don’t mix well. If there’s rust, water could be leaking onto your panel. Any water inside your panel box can cause circuit breaker issues and pose a safety hazard. Be sure to call our licensed professionals to replace the panel.

  • Breakers Keep Tripping

    Do your circuit breakers trip often, particularly when you run appliances requiring more electricity, such as your air conditioner, heat pump, washing machine, or dryer? This could indicate that you have an outdated panel that can’t keep up with your electrical needs. The standard panel size for most modern homes is 200 amps. Larger homes may require a 400-amp panel.

  • Flickering Lights

    Lights that flicker constantly can be a sign of an electrical panel problem. If the issue is house-wide and occurs rain or shine, have our Ballard Natural Gas Service electricians check it out immediately.

  • Irregular Noises

    Some noise is to be expected—a steady “hum” indicates a healthy breaker box. However, any crackling, hisses, or pops are a cause for concern. It means electricity is making contact with something that it’s not supposed to and causing damage. This could also indicate loose or frayed wiring.

Should I Upgrade My Home’s Electrical System?

As your home shifts toward more electric appliances, you want to be sure you have enough power to handle the demand. Otherwise, you risk damage to your equipment and a possible fire hazard.

Many older homes have panels that can handle a maximum of 60-110 amps, while newer homes are equipped to handle 200 amps or more.

Washington Electrical Panel Repair

Did you detect a problem with your electrical service? Be sure to get electrical panel problems fixed sooner rather than later so that you can keep your Washington home safe from unexpected dangers.

Be on the lookout for some of the most common signs of problems. Some of the signs you may experience include the following:

  • Your lights flicker or dim.
  • Your circuit breaker flips regularly.
  • Your panel feels warm to the touch.

Are Fuse Boxes Safe?

In the 1960s, builders stopped installing fuse boxes in homes. You should upgrade to a circuit breaker if your residence still has one. Fuse boxes aren’t designed to handle modern energy requirements.

Circuit breakers are much safer—whenever there’s an overcurrent or short, they automatically cut off the current. This protects you from electric shock, your equipment from getting damaged, and your home from the risk of an electrical fire.

Available Electrical Panel Tax Credits

You can receive a 30 percent credit of up to $600 on your federal taxes through 2032 when you upgrade your electric panel.

Upgraded panels must have a load capacity of at least 200 amps, and the installation must be consistent with the National Electric Code (NEC) to qualify for the tax credit.

The upgrade must coincide with a qualified energy efficiency improvement or prepare your home for qualified heating and cooling equipment.

DIY Tips to Lower Your Home’s Electricity Use

We love educating our Puget Sound neighbors on how to reduce electricity consumption—there are many ways to save!

For example, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) use 75 percent of the amount of electricity it takes to power an indecent bulb, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Get in touch with us today for more tips on home energy efficiency!

Call Today for Quality Electrical Work

Ballard Natural Gas Service is ready to assist with all your electrical needs, starting with a free electrical inspection for your home. Call our offices today at 206-784-8101 or request service online for your free consultation.

Need Electrical Panel Upgrade Service?

Contact the Experts at Ballard Natural Gas Service.

Call us at 206-784-8101!